1st - Pascoe Race, June 3rd, Saturday, Sandusky Sailing Club
Todd, Sue, Andy M, Scott, John,
Transport for Mills Race, June 8th, Thursday
Todd, Monty, Suzie,
Jeremy, Andy M, Mark, Bret
1st overall - Mills Race, June 9th - 11th,
from Toledo to Put in Bay
Eric, Andy M, Todd, Brett, Mark, Scott, Andy S, John
Transport to North Cape YC, June 23rd
Todd and Sue :-)
1st OA - Buccaneer Race, June 24th at North
Cape YC
Eric, Andy
M, Todd, Sue, John, Ina, Steve, Kristen, Monty,
1st OA - Brest Bay Cup, June 25th, at North
Cape YC
Eric, Andy
M, Todd, Sue, John, Ina, Steve, Kristen, Monty
Transport boat back to SSC, June 25th
Eric, Monty, Kristen,
1st OA - Islands Race, July 1st Saturday, Sandusky Sailing Club
Eric, Todd,
Sue, Kristen, Andy M, Ruth Anne, Norm, Steve, Monty, John
3rd - The Great Sailboat Race(FUN RACE), July 15th, Sat., SYC
Todd, Sue,
Andy S., Mark, Bret, & Kids!!!,
3rd in PHRF - Sandusky Summer Regatta, July 22nd & 23rd, Sat., SSC
Eric, Todd,
Andy S., Sue, (Sat), Kristen (Sat), Nathan, Andy M(sat only),
Scott & Rob (Sat only), John (Sun), Norm (Sun)
Stein Hospice Cup, July 29th, Saturday, at Sandusky
Skipper's Meeting is at Noon. Start around 1:00pm
Todd, Sue, Monty, Andy M, Scott, Craig, Mark Smith, John,
Deep Water, July 30th, Sunday, from Sandusky to Put in Bay
Eric, Todd, Sue, Kristen, Andy
M, Norm, Andy S., Monty, Scott & Marian, Mark
John, Nathan?,
*** Note date change, Sunday not Saturday
Bay Week, July 31st thru August 2nd, Monday thru Wed., at Put in Bay
Eric, Todd(Mon & Tues), Sue(Mon
& Tues), Andy M, Kevin B, Andy S.(Mon)
Scott, Steve one day?,
Monty one day?,
Swanbeck, August 11th, Friday, from Sandusky to Huron
Eric, Todd, Monty, Andy M, Scott,
Huron Invitational, August 12th, Saturday, in Huron
!!!!!NOTE!!! This race might be canceled due to nobody at HYC
is running
it. This might change the Swanbeck also. We'll keep you posted.
Eric, Todd, Sue, Monty, Andy M,
Scott, John,
Spitzer Cup??????, August 19th, Saturday, in Lorain
!!!!!NOTE!!! This race might be removed from our schedule due
transportation problems. Hey, let's go to Kelleys for Brand Alexanders?!?
Maybe practice some spinnaker work.
Eric, Andy M, Ina, Scott,
SSC Night Race, August 26th, Saturday Evening, SSC
Eric, Todd, Sue, Nathan, Andy
M, Scott, Mark Smith, John,
SSC Fun Day, September 2nd, Sat., from Sandusky to Port Clinton
Eric, Todd, Sue, Monty, Andy M,
Bill & Annette????, Scott & ????,
Green Island, September 3rd, Port Clinton
Eric, Todd, Sue, Nathan, Andy M,
Bill & Annette?????, Scott, John,
Sandusky Fall Regatta, September 16th & 17th, SSC
Eric, Todd, Monty (Sat), Nathan
(Sun), Andy M, Scott, John,
Snow Flurries, September 30th & October 1st, Saturday, Port Clinton
Eric, Andy M, Todd, Scott,
Who is transporting Fri night Sept 29th
Eric, Monty, Suzie,
Fall Bay, October 7th & 8th, Put in Bay
Eric, Todd, Sue, Nathan, Andy M,
Steve, Scott, John,
Transport boat Fri, leave PCYC ?? Eric,